Physical Activities for New Moms

(Video uploaded 04/2020)


Title:Physical Activities for New Moms

Being a new mom you must be busy taking care of your baby. But don't forget to take care of yourself. A healthy diet along with regular physical activity will help you return to a healthy weight. Exercise also helps lower your stress level. While you exercise, the brain releases a variety of neurotransmitters, such as endorphins, which makes us feel good. Make us less anxious and less depressed, as well as help us sleep better.

Subheading : How can new moms resume physical activities after childbirth?

After a normal delivery, you can start postnatal exercises 24 hours after childbirth. Perform the exercises 2 to 3 times a day to strengthen the muscles on the pelvic floor, the abdomen and the lower back. If you had a caesarean section, consult your doctor before starting postnatal exercises. After the first few weeks, you can gradually increase the duration and intensity of physical activities with the recovery of physical strength. Starting from taking a walk outdoors every day, gradually speed up to brisk walking. You can do a variety of aerobic exercises, such as yoga or swimming. In the meantime, keep on doing postnatal exercises to strengthen the abdominal, back and pelvic floor muscles. Once these muscles become strong, you can try running and exercises that require jumping. You can also try a new sport too. Go for suitable activities according to your physical condition.

Subheading: How much exercise is needed?

Exercise doesn't have to be strenuous. A moderate level is adequate to promote health. These include doing housework or aerobics at home. You can also go hiking with the family, or swimming and playing ball games with friends. While exercising, if you breathe a bit faster than usual but still can comfortably talk. This is moderate-intensity activity!

Subheading : Daily exercise amount

For health benefits, you need at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. You can also break it into three 10-minute sessions of continuous exercise.Try to be active on most days if not daily, and build up to at least 150 minutes of exercise a week.

Subheading : Make physical activities a part of your family routine

Regular physical activities keep your body fit and in good condition for the next pregnancy. Making physical activities a part of your family routine benefits your child and everyone in the family. Family members and friends can invite new moms to exercise together. Not only does it benefit everyone's health but also enhances family ties. Make good use of time for physical activities: such as dancing or doing aerobics at home. Be your children's role model for an active life. Sing and dance with them. Bring them outdoors. Run and jump as you play with them. Family and social gatherings can be opportunities for doing physical activities, such as playing ball games and hiking in country parks. Being active as a family benefits everyone.

Produced by Family Health Service, Department of Health