Baby-Friendly Maternal and Child Health Centre


Since 2000, DH has implemented a breastfeeding policy to provide a supportive environment that encourages and supports mothers to breastfeed their babies in a network of Maternal and Child Health Centres (MCHCs). Doctors and nurses of MCHCs are trained to promote and support breastfeeding through various means, e.g. providing health education for pregnant women, conducting breastfeeding assessments and skills support for breastfeeding mothers, as well as managing breastfeeding problems.

The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is a worldwide programme launched by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund. It aims to give every baby the best start in life by creating a health care environment that supports breastfeeding as the norm. Since 2013, the public birthing hospitals under the Hospital Authority have started moving towards baby-friendliness by phases and they are awarded as Baby-Friendly Hospitals.

Baby-Friendly Maternal and Child Health Centre

MCHCs have been working with the regional birthing hospitals under the Hospital Authority, to provide coherent antenatal and postnatal services for women. And most of the local-born newborns visit MCHCs for services in the first few days after discharge. Therefore, MCHCs also intend to become a "Baby-Friendly Health Facility" to support parents to start and continue breastfeeding.

In June 2016, DH launched the "Baby-Friendly Maternal and Child Health Centers" pilot project in three of the MCHCs.

Three MCHCs were designated as Baby-Friendly MCHCs under the pilot scheme:

  • Kowloon City MCHC
  • Sai Ying Pun MCHC
  • Yaumatei MCHC

Based on the positive results of the pilot programme, Baby-Friendly MCHC designation is further rolled out, five more MCHCs were designated as Baby-Friendly MCHCs in 2024:

  • Lam Tin MCHC
  • Ma On Shan MCHC
  • North Kwai Chung MCHC
  • Sai Wan Ho MCHC
  • Tin Shui Wai MCHC

Seven more MCHCs have been added to the designation programme in November 2022:

  • Fanling MCHC
  • Mui Wo MCHC
  • Tang Chi Ngong MCHC
  • Tuen Mun Wu Hong MCHC
  • Tung Chung MCHC
  • West Kowloon MCHC
  • Yan Oi MCHC

The following thirteen MCHCs have also been added to the designation programme in October 2023:

  • Anne Black MCHC
  • Ap Lei Chau MCHC
  • Chai Wan MCHC
  • Cheung Chau MCHC
  • East Kowloon MCHC
  • Kwun Tong MCHC
  • Lek Yuen MCHC
  • Madam Yung Fung Shee MCHC
  • Robert Black MCHC
  • Tseung Kwan O Po Ning Road MCHC
  • Tsing Yi MCHC
  • Tsuen Wan MCHC
  • Wong Siu Ching MCHC

Latest progress of BFMCHC designation : Please click here

What do we expect from Baby-Friendly MCHCs?

Baby-Friendly MCHC staff support parents to:

Stay close and respond to their baby, and build a close, loving and positive relationship
Recognise the importance and management of breastfeeding since pregnancy
Make an informed decision of infant feeding, and reach their feeding goal
Manage common breastfeeding difficulties
Exclusively breastfeed their newborn for 6 months and continue breastfeeding for up to 2 years or beyond if they so wish
Breastfeed in the MCHC
Refer for additional professional care or community peer support as appropriate

How to become a "Baby-Friendly MCHC" ?

  • Implements the Infant Feeding Policy
  • Comply fully with the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and relevant WHA resolutions
  • Attains the service standards of Baby-Friendly MCHC
  • Goes through a process of assessment and designation by the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Hong Kong Association

Baby-Friendly Information

Antenatal Online Talks (Cantonese Only)

主題 影片內容
  • 點同BB連繫、親近?
  • 做啲咩幫到BB嘅腦部發展?
  • 餵哺BB知多啲
  • 點先知道初生BB食得夠呀?
  • 點可以製造足夠嘅母乳呢?
  • 入門必學餵哺姿勢

What do you know about breastfeeding - Game Corner

True or False (You can check your answers by selecting your choice and it will link to "Feeding your baby in the early days: what you need to know" webpage)
The added ingredients in formula milk (such as probiotics) are as good as breastmilk for enhancing immunity and promoting your baby's health. True False
Breastfeeding may increase the physical burden on mothers. True False
You and your partner should have frequent intimate skin–to-skin contact with your baby regardless of whether she is breastfed or formula-fed. True False
Breastfeeding is not suitable for mothers who have the following conditions: flat or inverted nipples, hepatitis B carriers, or suffering from flu. True False
Putting your baby to sleep in his cot next to your bed, helps you to respond to his needs in time. True False
You should have a feeding schedule and give fixed amounts each feed. True False
The amount of "first milk”(colostrum) produced in the first few days after delivery is small. I should feed my baby with formula milk first and only start breastfeeding after the breastmilk "comes-in." True False
Giving my baby formula milk and water, using bottles and dummies will not affect breastfeeding. True False
The nutritional value of breastmilk reduces 6 months after my baby is born, so I can stop breastfeeding. True False
The more my baby suckles on the breast, the more milk I produce. True False
In the first few weeks, my baby needs to be fed frequently. I have to breastfeed at least 8 to 12 times a day. True False
Proper positioning and attachment are the keys to successful breastfeeding. True False
I can express milk when temporarily separated from my baby, or when my breasts are engorged. True False
It is better to give my baby expressed breastmilk in a bottle than direct breastfeeding, as I then know how much he takes. True False
Seek help immediately if you have any problems while feeding your baby. True False
Pop Quiz (Check your answers by selecting the topics below)
How do I know if my baby is getting enough milk?
What are the early hunger cues of my baby?