Points to Note

MCHCs provide regular routine antenatal check-ups for pregnant women under shared care with HA. The service covers the following aspects:

  • Urine test for protein and sugar
  • Body weight and blood pressure measurement
  • Abdominal palpation to monitor the growth and position of foetus
  • Detection of foetal heart beat
  • Assessment of oedema

Antenatal Check-up Schedule in MCHCs / HA:

Gestational weeks Routine check-up Other examination (weeks)
10-24 weeks Every 6 weeks
  • Antenatal blood investigations (Note 1)
  • Prenatal Screening for Down syndrome (11-19 weeks) (Note 2)
24-28 weeks Every 4 weeks Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (if necessary)(Note 1)
28-36 weeks Every 2-4 weeks Pertussis vaccination (26-34 weeks)(Note 1)
Group B Streptococcus screening test (35-37 weeks) (if necessary)(Note 1)
36-40 weeks Every 2 weeks
41 weeks   * Past term assessment(Note 2)

Note 1: Service provided by Obstetrics Department of the Hospital Authority or MCHC

Note 2: Service provided by Obstetrics Department of the Hospital Authority

* This timetable serves as reference only. Health professionals may arrange alternative schedule according to your clinical condition.

* Obstetrics Department of the Hospital Authority may offer structural ultrasound or prenatal screening according to the individual condition of the pregnant woman.

  1. Attend online public talk「懷孕及哺乳媽媽「適」飲「適」食 」
  2. Attend the「貼心照顧及餵養寶寶」discussion at hospitals/MCHCs
  3. If you haven't attended the「貼心照顧及餵養寶寶」discussion at hospitals/MCHCs, please attend the online public talk:「貼心照顧及餵養寶寶《1》」and「貼心照顧及餵養寶寶《2》」OR watch the recordings:「貼心照顧及餵養寶寶《1》」 and「貼心照顧及餵養寶寶《2》」.

Conducted in Cantonese only