Sterilising Baby's Feeding Equipment
Heading: Sterilising Baby's Feeding Equipment
Narrator: Sterilising baby's feeding equipment.
When baby is hungry have your formula milk ready. Before preparing the formula ensure everything is clean and sterile.
Subheading: Cleaning Bottles and Tools
Narrator: Cleaning bottles and tools. Everything needed to prepare breastmilk or infant formula must be thoroughly cleaned and sterile to prevent baby from getting sick. Wash hands with soap and water before starting cleaning.
Super: Wash your Hands
Narrator: Next, clean work surfaces with detergent.
Super: Clean Work Surfaces
Narrator: Dismantle feeding bottle and remove teat from its screw top.
Super: Dismantle the Bottle
Narrator: Rinse away any milk residue under the tap.
Super: Rinse Away Milk Residue
Narrator: Clean everything with hot water and detergent.
Super: Clean with Hot Water and Detergent
Narrator: Use bottle brush to scrub both inside and outside of bottles and teats.
Super: Scrub Bottles and Teats Inside and Out
Narrator: Don't forget to clean the bottoms and corners of bottles to remove stubborn milk residue. Then, rinse thoroughly under the tap.
Super: Rinse Thoroughly under the Tap
Narrator: When washing bottles and teats, always check for cracks. Cracked or flawed items should be discarded immediately as bacteria will breed in the cracks.
Super: Discard Damaged Bottles and Teats
Narrator: Tools like tongs and knives must also be clean and sterile.
Subheading: Sterilisation Methods of Feeding Equipment
Narrator: Sterilisation methods of feeding equipment. Freshly cleaned feeding bottles and tools must be sterilised. Choose the method and sterilisation equipment that works best with your feeding equipment. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions. Recommended sterilisation methods include boiling,
Super: Sterilising by Boiling
Narrator: steam
Super: Sterilising with Steam
Narrator: and chemical.
Super: Sterilising with Chemicals
Super: Sterilising by Boiling
Narrator: When boil-sterilising, place all freshly cleaned feeding equipment in a large pot. Fill the pot with water until everything is fully submerged. Double-check there are no air bubbles inside bottles and teats. Cover the pot and bring the water to the boil. Boil everything for 5 to 10 minutes.
Super: Boil for 5-10 Minutes
Narrator: Then turn off the stove and let cool inside the pot.
Super: Sterilising with Steam
Narrator: When steam-sterilising, use hot steam from an electric or microwave steam steriliser. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Super: Sterilising with Chemicals
Narrator: When chemical sterilising, soak your feeding equipment in suitable sterilising solution. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions to ensure the sterilising solution is the right strength before soaking items for the recommended period. Use a floating cover to ensure your equipment is fully submerged at all times. Double-check there are no air bubbles trapped inside bottles or teats. Most sterilising solutions require changing every 24 hours.
Super: 24 Hours
Subheading: Storage of Sterilised Equipment
Narrator: Storage of sterilised equipment. It is best to take out feeding bottles just before use.
Super: Best option Take Out Feeding Bottles Just Before Use
Narrator: If the bottles are not used straight away, you can assemble the bottle components by using sterilised tongs.
Super: Use Sterilised Tongs to Retrieve and Assemble Components For later use
Narrator: Always carefully store capped bottles to prevent contamination. Store bottles in a clean container with a lid.
Super: Store Sterilised Equipment in Clean Containers with a Lid
Narrator: Then store the container in a clean area.
Super: Store in a Clean Area
Narrator: Boil-sterilised equipment must be used within 24 hours.
Super: Can be stored for 24 Hours
Narrator: When using other sterilisation methods, always follow the manufacturer's instructions to re-sterilise, and store the sterilised items properly.
Super: Follow Manufacturer's Storage Instructions
Narrator: Once everything is clean and sterile, you're ready to prepare baby's formula.
Super: Family Health Service
Department of Health
June 2024
Narrator: This video is produced by the Family Health Service of the Department of Health.