Development from 24 to 36 Months (Cantonese version with English subtitle only)

(Video uploaded 04/2018)


Title:Development from 24 to 36 Months

Heading: Development from 24 to 36 Months

Scene: Two girls are playing toys. One of them takes a toy telephone and pretend speaking on the phone.

Girl: Telephone! Hello! Telelphone …. Hello Hello!

Scene: the other girl puts plastic rings through a plastic pole from small to big.

Narrator: After the second birthday, you will see significant progress in all aspects of your child's development.

Scene: The girl takes the toy telephone and pretends that the telephone is ringing.

Girl: Hello, grandma.

Scene: The other girl play the toy piano attentively.

Scene: A group of two to three years old children run in the park.

Narrator: Children at this age are energetic and active. They can run fast,

Scene: A group of children are playing football in the park. A child kicks a stationed ball. He chases and tries to kick the rolling ball.

Narrator: kick balls,

Scene: Two children are playing with playground equipment. They jump down from a low step landing on both feet. One girl climbs up the climbing frame in the park carefully.

Narrator: jump and climb well,

Scene: A girl walks up the stairs one foot on each step carefully without holding the handrails. Another girl also walks down the stairs carefully with two feet on each step without holding the railings.

Narrator: walk up and down stairs without any help

Scene: A girl rides a tricycle easily. She pedals the tricycle forward and make a turn.

Narrator: and ride tricycles.

Scene: A group of children are at the kindergarten classroom. A girl grasps a crayon and draws vertical and horizontal lines on drawing paper.

Narrator: For his hand and finger skills, he can draw vertical and horizontal strokes,

Scene: A girl stacks a tall tower by putting toy blocks on top of other. Another girl threads half-inch wooden beads with a piece of shoe lace. Another girl reads a book and turns page by page. Another child winds up the spring of the toy helicopter and lets the propellers turn.

Narrator: build simple models with bricks, thread beads, turn one page of a book at a time and wind-up toys.

Scene: A girl walks with her mother in a shopping mall.

Girl: I want to pee pee.

Mother: OK. I'll take you there.

Narrator: As for self-care skills, he no longer wet his pants during daytime.

Scene: A girl opens the paper wrap of the sweet and put it into her mouth. She uses a spoon to eat. She drinks water from a cup all by herself.

Narrator: He can feed himself more skillfully,

Scene: The girl puts on a small vest herself. Then she unzipped the front zip and takes off the vest.

Narrator: dress and undress simple clothing.

Scene: Several girls are playing shape matching game. They watch carefully and insert different shapes of blocks or English characters into the correct holes.

Narrator: Concerning cognitive development, his learning process becomes more thoughtful, and is capable of solving problems by thinking. His memory and attention span also improves, allowing more time for quiet play.

Scene: A girl sort small beads of two different colours and put them into two different baskets.

Narrator: He also begins to identify colours,

Scene: Two girls sort the wooden blocks according to their colours, red, yellow and green.

Narrator: and understand numbers.

Scene: A girl correctly counts the four wooden blocks on the table.

Scene: A child pretends cooking in a toy house with toy kitchen set.

Narrator: He becomes more elaborate in pretend play,

Scene: The girl put the toy tea sets and toy food on the tray. She imitates her mother to take food out from the kitchen to serve the others.

Narrator: like pretending to be a mum or doctor.

Scene: A boy puts on the toy stethoscope and imitates a doctor to examine a doll. Another girl imitates her mother to feed the doll milk.

Scene: The girl is having meal with her parents. The telephone rings.

Mother: The telephone is ringing. Go get me the phone.

Scene: The girl immediately goes to the other end of the sitting room and gets the phone for her mother.

Narrator: He can understand simple commands,

Mother: Thanks.

Scene: The girl is reading a book. The teacher points to the different pictures in the book.

Teacher: What is this?

Girl: This is sock. This is shoe.

Narrator: and answer simple questions.

Scene: The girl plays cooking set with her mother. The mother is holding a toy knife.

Mother: What is this?

Scene: The girl gets the toy knife from her mother.

Girl: Knife.

Mother: What is knife used for?

Scene: The girl takes a look at her mother.

Girl: cut

Scene: Then she pretends to cut the toy food with the toy knife.

Scene: The girl and mother are reading a book.

Mother: What colour Is it?

Girl: Yellow.

Mother: Oh, the camel is yellow, is it?

Scene: A girl and her mother are at the playground. She stops in front of the merry -go-round and looks at her mother.

Girl: Mother, I want to ride this.

Narrator: He speaks simple phrases or sentences,

Scene: The girl is at the restaurant. She is holding a candy.

Girl: Let's have candy

Scene: The girl is in the sitting room.

Narrator: begins to use pronouns,

Girl: Mammy, I am hungry. Did you cook rice?

Scene: The girl is eating with her brother at the restaurant..

Girl: How many you ate?

Scene: The girl is having dinner with her father. The girl points to pictures of food printed on the table.

Narrator: and likes to ask questions,

Girl: What is this?

Father: This is dumpling.

Girl: How about this?

Father: This is also dumpling.

Scene: A girl plays swinging horse by herself in the park. Then she plays seesaw with another girl.

Narrator: For his social development, although still self-centered, he begins to enjoy playing with familiar playmates.

Scene: Two girls are playing seesaw and two children come and line up for their turns.

Narrator: He starts sharing and taking turns when playing games.

Scene: In the park, a boy cries suddenly. A girl follows him and start crying. Another girl comes forward to see what is going on and dries the boy's tear.

Narrator: He would cry,

Scene: A boy has temper tantrums and throws away the ball which his mother gave him.

Narrator: throw tantrums, or display rebellious behavior when frustrated.

Scene: The parents bring their daughter to kindergarten. The girl cries on the way. She doesn't want to leave her parents. The parents hand the girl to the teacher and say goodbye to her.

Father: Listen to the teacher. Don't be naughty.

Narrator: Attending nursery or kindergarten, provides a chance for him to interact with others, and to acquire different knowledge. Although it may take some time for him to adapt, he would discover and enjoy the activities there in due course.

Scene: The girl calms down, waves bye bye to her parents and says goodbye.

Scene: Many children photos are displayed on the screen.

Narrator: Parental involvement and support is of utmost importance, to facilitate a child to develop to his full potential. You can provide an interesting and safe environment, as well as toys and activities that are appropriate for his age, to help him learn and explore. Spend more time talking with him, and encourage him to express himself in language. Pay attention, and respond warmly and contingently to his behavior. He needs your guidance. Give him room to explore while establishing some rules. Allow him to make mistakes within safe boundaries. But most important of all, have reasonable expectations for your child's abilities. With your understanding and guidance, your child will grow healthily and happily. If you have any concerns or queries about your child's development, please contact any Maternal and Child Health Centre of the Department of Health or other health professionals.