Face to Face

(Video uploaded 22/03/2020)

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Titleļ¼šFace to Face

Miss Siu: Effective parent-child communication is “two-way” and interactive. The following four skills can encourage children's participation. First is “Face to Face”. Let's see how parents adjust to their children height to get “face to face”.

Sub-heading: Face to Face

Scene: Father Ah Kin kneels down on the floor mat with his son, plays stacking rings and talks to him.

Kin: Woop, Woop!

Miss Siu: This father kneels down on the floor so his son can see his expression clearly.

Kin: You do this one, good!

Sub-heading: Face to Face

Scene: Mom Ah Shan and baby Alvin are standing at school bus station.

Shan: Alvin, you want to play with your sister's school bag?

Scene: Mother Ah Shan picks up Alvin and talks to Alvin face to face.

Miss Siu: This mother uses another approach. She lifts her son up before speaking to him. She can see his facial expression clearly.

Shan: Sister carries her own school bag and this smaller one is for you.

Sub-heading: Face to Face

Scene: Ah Kin holds Yau Yau's hand and walks into a fruit store together with Ah Ying. Ah Ying picks up an orange.

Ying: Yau Yau, your favourite oranges!

Scene: Yau Yau is looking at the bananas. Ah Kin squats down, picks up a bunch of bananas and talks to Yau Yau face to face.

Kin: Oh! They smell good!

Miss Siu: Dad squats down before speaking to his daughter so they can see each other. See how happy they are.

Sub-heading: The Department of Health owns the copyright of this digital video. This digital video is produced solely for non-commercial use. It should not be rented, sold or otherwise used for profit-making purposes. Produced in 2019 (English version)