Part 1-Baby Talks

(Video uploaded 22/03/2020)

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Titleļ¼šPart 1-Baby Talks

Scene: Baby Yau Yau is crawling on the floor.

Kin: Baby.

Scene: Baby Yau Yau is walking alone and looking around.

Yau: Where're mom and dad?

Kin: Baby.

Ying: Baby.

Kin: Baby, do you get what I mean?

Ying: Baby, will you respond to mom?

Scene: Baby Yau Yau looks down and finds her “strunken” father and mother.

Yau: Oh! Here you are! Let me sit down first, you have something to tell me?

Kin: Baby, that's great! Dad no longer needs to look up to see your face.

Ying: We can also see your expression and response clearly.

Scene: Baby Yau Yau lies down on the floor and talks to her father and mother.

Yau: Dad and mom, if you want to better communicate with me and have my response, please sit down and watch this video attentively. I will give you some useful tips when talking and playing with me. Don't miss it!

Heading: Baby Talks

Scene: Father Ah Kin and mother Ah Ying sit on the sofa, while baby Yau Yau sits on the floor mat and is playing her toys.

Ying: Yau Yau, look! Here's the ring!

Kin: Yau Yau, here's the ball!

Yau: Sitting on the sofa are my dad Ah Kin and mom Ah Ying. They talk and play with me whenever they have time. By listening and watching them, I can roughly guess their meaning. However, they do not seem to get what I am doing. Why don't they understand even when I've indicated to them?

Scene: Baby Yau Yau shakes her head, shows her father and mother the toy in her hand while they are busy telling Yau Yau what toys they have.

Kin & Ying: This ducky is beautiful!

Scene: The doorbell rings.

Kin: I'll get it.

Yau: Hey, somebody is coming! Who's there?

Scene: Father opens the door, auntie Ah Shan is standing outside the door carrying baby Alvin.

Kin: Hello, Ah Shan, Alvin!

Shan: Hello, Ah Kin.

Yau: Oh! It's auntie!

Shan: Hi! Let's take off our shoes first.

Kin: Yes! Let me help Alvin.

Scene: Auntie Ah Shan carries baby Alvin, walks into the house and talks to him.

Ying: See? Auntie Ying is over there! Hello! Let's say hello to Auntie.

Shan & Ying: Hello!

Ying: Yau Yau, say hello to auntie and Alvin!

Scene: Auntie Ah Shan puts down baby Alvin. Yau Yau and Alvin sit on the floor mat and play with the cooking set. Ah Shan, Ah Kin and Ah Ying are standing and talking.

Alvin: Yau Yau, mom and I come to visit you again!

Yau: I am so happy!

Kin: Yau Yau seems so happy to see Alvin!

Ying: Yau Yau, greet auntie!

Kin: Say “hello”.

Scene: Auntie Ah Shan squats down, face to face with baby Yau Yau.

Shan: Yau Yau, I am auntie, say “hello”!

Scene: Baby Yau Yau can see auntie Ah Shan clearly because Yau Yau is facing auntie Ah Shan. She cannot say Auntie, instead, she makes “ahah” sound happily.

Yau: ahah.

Ying: How come Yau Yau responds so well to you? We always talk to her but she's so responsive to you.

Shan: My daughter used to ignore me when she was young but there are ways to change.

Scene: Ah Shan, Ah Kin and Ah Ying sit on sofa at living room to discuss.

Shan: Talking to babies is a “two-way” communication.

Ying: “Two-way”?

Shan: First make sure you and the baby can see each other clearly. Also, you mustn't just carry on talking to her non-stop. You need to be aware of her facial expressions,
sounds and actions and then respond to her. Let the baby know that you understand her. Then she will be interested to talk with you.

Kin: But why was she ignoring us while we were chatting and playing with her
just before you arrived?

Ying: Right! She always ignores us.

Shan: How do you usually play with her?

Kin: Usually, she sits on the floor and we sit on the sofa and then hold the toy to draw her attention but she pays no attention to us!

Shan: Why don't we sit down on the floor and play with them and see if we see any difference!

Kin: Okay!

Scene: Ah Kin, Ah Ying and Ah Shan sit on the floor mat, face to face with baby Yau Yau.

Kin: Wow! It's really different from before. I can finally see her facial expression!

Ying: I get it now!

Shan: Mm!

Yau: Auntie is great!

Alvin: She learned it from the Maternal and Child Health Centre.

Scene: Ah Kin pushes a toy car on the floor mat forward and backward. Baby Yau Yau and Alvin are playing with the cooking set.

Kin: Let me try, Yau Yau here's the car! Yau Yau? Why's she ignoring me?

Shan: You're right to bend down to talk to her but did you notice they are playing with a cooking set? If you want your baby to respond to you, you should join in with their activity so they will pay attention and give you a proper response.

Ying: I get it.

Scene: Ah Kin picks up a toy cup, Ah Ying picks up a toy teapot and join playing cooking time with baby Yau Yau together.

Kin: Do you want some tea?

Shan: Your baby learns a lot from playing with you.

Scene: Ah Shan turns to Alvin to join him playing with the toy rice cooker by picking up a toy and putting it into toy rice cooker.

Shan: Shall we put it in? Put it in!

Scene: Baby Alvin imitates Ah Shan, picking up a toy and putting it into a toy rice cooker.

Shan: Yes, Alvin can put them into the cooker. Good!

Ying: I see, when Alvin picks something up, you teach him to put it inside.

Kin: And you praise him for doing so. This is what you mean by responding to the baby.

Shan: That's right, that's it!

Yau: Your mom is terrific! She teaches you while playing with you. Also she always praises you. It would be great if my mom and dad did this.

Alvin: Yau Yau, my mom and dad also had to learn before they knew how to do it! Uncle and auntie look smart. They will learn quickly.

Yau: Hope they pick it up fast.

Scene: Ah Kin is carrying Yau Yau, Ah Ying is pushing a stroller, Ah Kay and Ah Kam are pushing another stroller, going to the park together. They meet Ah Shan, Ah On and baby Alvin at a pavilion.

Kin: Oh! It's raining. Let's get under shelter, OK?

Kam: OK! Hi! You're early, hello!

Shan & On: Hello there.

Kin: Yau Yau, let's sit down.

Scene: Ah Kin put baby Yau Yau back into the stroller.

Kam: I'm thirsty, let's buy some drinks?

Kin: I'll go with you! You want anything?

Kay: No, thanks.

Kam: Let's go!

Scene: The three mothers, Ah Ying, Ah Kay and Ah Shan, and Ah On sit on a bench in the pavilion, the three babies sit in their strollers.

Ying: Ah Shan, we followed what you said when playing with Yau Yau. We all really enjoy the play and she talks more.

Shan: That's good! Really good!

Kay: Yes, my Jo Jo also talks a lot more recently!

On: What does she say?

Kay: I don't know! She makes some sounds and she likes to talk to me.

Yau: Jo Jo, I'm really happy to see you again.

Jo: Yau Yau, Alvin said your mom and dad are learning how to communicate with you.

Alvin: Right, my mom taught them.

Yau: In the past, I had to look up before I could see them. It is different now. They sit down on the floor or lift me up when talking to me.

Jo : Great! But sometimes, adults are just careless. Just like my mum, once we were waiting for the lift. I wanted to press the lift button but she thought I was being naughty. But my dad knew what I wanted and taught me to say the word “button”.

Scene: Father Ah Kam, mother Ah Kay and baby Jo Jo are waiting for an elevator. Jo Jo stretches out her arm trying to press the elevator button.

Kay: Jo Jo don't be naughty.

Scene: Ah Kam squats down, face to face with Chun Chun.

Kam: Hey! So sweetheart do you want to press the button?

Scene: Jo Jo nods her head, father Ah Kam picks her up and shows her how to press the lift button.

Kam: Daring, it glows. Look! It's a “button”! You want to press it?

Scene: Jo Jo stretches out her arm and presses the lift button.

Kam: Wow good job! Let's wait for the lift.

Scene: Back to the pavilion in the park, the three babies sit in their own stroller.

Alvin: Ah your dad is very smart. He can read your mind and teach you so many things.

Jo: As long as the adults observe what we are doing and what we like before teaching us, that will make everyone happy.

Yau: Alvin, how about your dad?

Alvin: My dad loves me very much but sometimes his speech is either too long or too difficult, so I do not quite understand.

Scene: Father Ah On, mother Ah Shan, baby Alvin and sister are waiting for the school bus at the station, Alvin wants to pull his sister's school bag.

Alvin: Once, my mom and dad brought me along to send my sister to school. I wanted to touch her school bag.

Sister: Dad, Alvin pulled my school bag!

Scene: Ah On bends down, says a lot of things to Alvin.

On: Alvin, why are you doing that? There're lots of books and notebooks inside, be careful.

Alvin: Dad said so many things that I didn't understand

On: Listen! Please don't pull it again!

Scene: Mom Ah Shan picks up Alvin.

Shan: You want to play with her school bag?

Alvin: Mom responded differently. She just told me not to play with my sister's school bag. She knew I wanted a school bag though and gave me a small one.

Scene: Back to the park, the three babies sit in their own stroller.

Jo: Your mom is so clever!

Alvin: Yes, my mom understands my mind very well. She explains things to me in simple words that help me understand easily. Yau Yau, how are uncle and auntie recently?

Yau: Since Auntie Shan came last time, mom and dad have improved a lot. A few days ago, they took me to the fruit store.

Scene: Ah Kin walks inside a fruit store with Yau Yau and Ah Ying. Ah Ying picks up an orange.

Ying: Yau Yau, your favourite oranges!

Scene: Yau Yau picks up a lemon, Ah Kin squats down.

Yau: Ooah!

Kin: This is a lemon, its sour. Yau Yau, do you like it? “Lemon”, lemons are sour. Do you like it? Wonderful Yau Yau!

Scene: Yau Yau passes the lemon to her father, Ah Kin put it back onto the shelf, and picks up a bunch of bananas.

Kin: Now look at this bunch! Wow! Bananas! They smell and taste good! Want to try? "Bananas".

Yau: Dad knew I like fruits, so he showed them to me and taught me a lot of things about lemons and bananas.

Scene: Yau Yau touches a pear.

Kin: This is a pear.

Shopkeeper: Is this your child?

Ying & Kin: Yes.

Shopkeeper: She's cute!

Ying: Thanks!

Scene: Back to the park, three babies sit in their own stroller.

Yau: The shopkeeper said I was cute!

Alvin: See how happy you are when you get praised!

Jo: Yau Yau, your mom and dad have really improved a lot!

Yau: Hopefully they'll get even better!

Scene: Ah Kin and Ah Kam are chatting while walking back to the park.

Kin: My wife and I have learned how to play with Yau Yau anywhere and anytime. And not just at home either, we also interact with her while shopping to give her more learning opportunities.

Kam: You've learnt, haven't you?

Kin: Of course!

Kam: But don't forget to take time for yourself. Don't force yourself to play when you're exhausted. And sometimes kids won't want to play like when they are too tired or hungry. My advice, never force them to. Be relaxed and happy when playing with your kids.

Kin: Yes I agree.

Scene: Back to the park, Ah Kin and Ah Kam give out drinks to others.

Kam: One bottle each. Hope everybody thirsty! Here you go.

Scene: Few weeks later, Ah Kin, Ah Ying, Ah Shan, Yau Yau and Alvin are at Yau Yau‘s home. Yau Yau and Alvin sit on floor mat.

Alvin: Yau Yau, over these few weeks, have your mom and dad made any progress?

Yau: They improved a lot! I am so happy.

Alvin: See, I told you they are pretty smart!

Yau: You were right!

Ying: Ah Shan, Yau Yau doesn't talk yet. Why do other kids start talking sooner?

Shan: Don't worry about it. When my daughter was just around two years old
she only said a few words to me. At first, I thought she might have a problem. So I took her to the Maternal and Child Health Centre. The nurse said she was fine. She was just a slow starter. The nurse taught me how to play with her and how to observe her responses. By the age of two, she was talking a lot more.

Kin: But Ah Ying and I are still worried!

Shan: It's normal for you to be worried. Every child is different. Some progress faster while some are a bit slower. So don't compare your children with other children! Sometimes, even with a lot of effort, they may not show much improvement. So try not to put pressure on yourself and your baby. If you are still worried you can make an appointment at the Maternal and Child Health Centre to seek their advice.

Ying: You're right. I'm going to make an appointment for some advice, thanks.

Alvin: Yau Yau, uncle and auntie care for you so much!

Yau: Yes, though I'm not speaking well, they understand me more. We communicate with each other happily!

Scene: Ah Kin, Ah Ying, Ah Shan, Yau Yau and Alvin are sitting and playing on the floor mat.

Shan: Hey Alvin.

Ying: Yau Yau.

Shan: How's it going Alvin?

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Produced in 2019 (English version)