Single Dose Double Protection - Pregnant Women Receive Seasonal Influenza Vaccination

(Content revised 09/2023)

(Source of information provided by the Centre for Health Protection, the Department of Health)

Protect yourself. Protect your baby. Get vaccinated against seasonal influenza.

The Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases recommends pregnant women to be the top priority group to receive seasonal influenza vaccination so as to protect them from seasonal influenza and its complications. Vaccination is effective and safe to pregnant woman and her baby.

Influenza vaccination in pregnant women has shown benefits for both mother and child in terms of reduced acute respiratory infections. The World Health Organization considers inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine is safe in pregnancy and there is no evidence showing such vaccine can cause abnormality in foetus even if given during the first trimester. Recombinant influenza vaccine is not contraindicated in pregnancy. However, pregnant women should NOT receive live attenuated influenza vaccine because it contains live viruses. Pregnant women should consult obstetrics and gynaecology doctors for any queries.

To encourage pregnant women to receive seasonal influenza vaccination, the Government will provide free or subsidised seasonal influenza vaccination to the following eligible persons:

Pregnant women who are Hong Kong residents can receive subsidised influenza vaccination from private doctors enrolled in the Vaccination Subsidy Scheme.

Pregnant women who are Hong Kong residents receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance or holding valid Certificate for Waiver of Medical Charges issued by the Social Welfare Department can approach your Maternal and Child Health Centres or the Hospital Authority antenatal clinics for free vaccination during antenatal sessions. Please bring along the Certificate of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Recipients (for Medical Waivers) or Certificate for Waiver of Medical Charges.

In Hong Kong, influenza is usually more common in periods from January to March/April and from July to August. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body. Get vaccinated early to ensure protection.

Centre for Health Protection website

Programme Management and Vaccination Division
Tel: 2125 2125

Hospital Authority (Government Vaccination Programme)
Hotline: 2300 6555

Vaccination Schemes (Pregnant Women)

Pregnant women can receive COVID-19 vaccine
Please refer to