World Breastfeeding Week 2024

World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is a global campaign to raise awareness and galvanise action on themes related to breastfeeding.

World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is celebrated every 1-7 August in more than 170 countries. The theme for this year is "Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All", with the aim to eliminate breastfeeding barriers and support mothers to sustain breastfeeding through collaboration from different levels of the society.

In support of WBW 2024, the Department of Health (DH), in collaboration with the Hospital Authority, the Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF and the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Hong Kong Association, organised a celebration event on July 30 (Event photos & video), to call for the community's full support for breastfeeding in connection to the Government's effort.

World Health organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life, followed by continued breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods for up to 2 years or beyond.

Our Collective Efforts

Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace & Premises

What is a "Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace"?

A "Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace" is where an organisation or enterprise provides an appropriate and friendly environment for their breastfeeding employees to express breastmilk in the workplace in order to continue breastfeeding their children.

What is "Breastfeeding Friendly Premises"?

"Breastfeeding Friendly Premises" is a place where breastfeeding mothers and their families feel welcome and are supported to breastfeed anytime, anywhere.  

UNICEF HK - #SayYesToBreastfeeding

UNICEF HK is committed to promote, protect and support children's right to be breastfed and the best start in children's life.  In collaboration with the Health Bureau and the Department of Health, UNICEF HK launched the 'Say Yes To Breastfeeding' campaign since 2015, aiming to provide mothers with better community support for sustaining breastfeeding.

The Breastfeeding Friendly Community Initiative

The Breastfeeding Friendly Community Initiative (BFCI) in Hong Kong aims to cultivate a breastfeeding friendly culture and environment, encourage breastfeeding continuation and nurture a breastfeeding friendly community.

The initiatives include:

  • Develop the "Breastfeeding GPS" mobile app
  • Organise breastfeeding workshops for mothers
  • Provide training to staff and management of corporates and public venues to promulgate breastfeeding friendly attitudes

Baby Friendly Health Care Facilities

Baby Friendly Maternal and Child Health Centre (MCHC)

All along MCHCs have shared antenatal care with the regional birthing hospitals under the Hospital Authority. Over 90% of newborns born locally registered with MCHCs within the first few days after birth. Therefore, these newborns and parents are in need of support to establish and sustain breastfeeding.

Since 2000, the DH has implemented a breastfeeding policy to provide a supportive environment that encourages and supports mothers to breastfeed their babies at MCHCs. Healthcare workers at MCHCs are trained to provide professional support to breastfeeding mothers, which includes providing health education for pregnant women, conducting breastfeeding assessments and skills support for breastfeeding mothers, as well as managing breastfeeding problems.

Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is a worldwide programme launched by the World Health Organisation and the United Nations Children’s Fund. It aims to give every baby the best start in life by creating a health care environment that supports breastfeeding as the norm. In June 2016, the DH launched the "Baby-Friendly Maternal and Child Health Centers" pilot project in three of the MCHCs. They were accredited as the Baby-Friendly MCHCs in 2019 and were re-accreditated in 2022 to ensure service quality.

Based on the positive results of the pilot programme, Baby-Friendly MCHC designation is further rolled out to more MCHCs by phases since March 2021. From service data, mothers receiving service from Baby-friendly MCHCs were more able to sustain breastfeeding for longer and to exclusively breastfeed their babies. In view of the remarkable outcome, the DH expedited the accreditation progress since October 2023. Now, all serving MCHCs have completed or in the progress of Baby-friendly MCHC Accreditation.

Kowloon City MCHC

Sai Ying Pun MCHC

Yaumatei MCHC

Ma On Shan MCHC

Tin Shui Wai MCHC

Sai Wan Ho MCHC

North Kwai Chung MCHC

Lam Tin MCHC

Baby Friendly Hospitals in Hong Kong

There are eight accredited Baby-friendly Hospitals under the Hospital Authority:

  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital
  • Queen Mary Hospital
  • Prince of Wales Hospital
  • Kwong Wah Hospital
  • Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
  • Tuen Mun Hospital
  • Princess Margaret Hospital
  • United Christian Hospital

There are two private hospitals in the process of Baby-friendly Hospitals accreditation.

Baby Friendly Hospital Initative Hong Kong Association

In 1992, the Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF formed the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Committee which registered as Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Hong Kong Association (BFHIHKA) two years later. BFHIHKA promotes and supports breastfeeding to protect infant and maternal health. We are committed to creating a healthcare and societal environment that enables parents and other caregivers to make and carry out informed decisions about optimal infant feeding.

BFHIHKA operates a breastfeeding hotline, publishes regular Baby Friendly e-Newsletters, and supports health facilities to be baby-friendly.

Legislations to Support Breastfeeding

Mother-to-mother Support

Breastfeeding Peer Support Programme

Family Health Service commissioned a non-governmental organisation to organise the Breastfeeding Peer Support Programme, with an aim to strengthen mother-to-mother support in the community. Volunteer mothers with breastfeeding experience received training to become peer counsellors, who will then provide support to their peers via various means. The peer support programme has enhanced the use of popular social media platforms to reach out to breastfeeding mothers.

Peer counsellors share breastfeeding information via online and face-to-face workshops, social media platforms (Facebook & Instagram) and short videos. They handle breastfeeding enquiries and provide support to mothers via peer support groups at WhatsApp, WeChat and telephone hotline.

Natural Parenting Network

La Leche League Hong Kong

La Leche League Hong Kong is a volunteer-powered organisation that aims to provide mother-to-mother support for breastfeeding.  Our dedicated, passionate and trained leaders engage with the community daily on social media, through phone calls and messaging.

Breastfeeding Mother Association

Hong Kong Code

HK Code promotes the good marketing practices applicable to formula milk and related products as well as food products for infants and children below 36 months old.  It provides guidance to traders, healthcare facilities, childcare facilities, etc.

Myths of breastmilk substitutes

HK Code supports parents making their own choices to feed their children based on correct and unbiased information. The following articles address some common myths of breastmilk substitutes. (Source: E-newsletters, Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Hong Kong Association)

  • In human milk, milk fat globules are coated with a membrane composed of polar lipids (phospholipids).  This milk-fat-globule membrane (MFGM) is highly bioactive in supporting gastrointestinal functions, neurodevelopment and immunity.
  • Currently, there is limited scientific evidence from Randomised Controlled Trials on the health benefits of supplementing infant formula with bovine MFGM, compared with breastfeeding.
  • Given the unique biochemical structures of human milk and its myriad bioactive constituents, it is virtually impossible for formula milk to imitate breastmilk in functions.

  • Human breastmilk contains over 100 structurally different oligosaccharides (complex sugars).
  • Different oligosaccharides have different functions, e.g.  promoting the growth of good gut bacteria (the "prebiotic effect"), preventing infections, reducing inflammation etc.
  • As additives to formula milk, the substance "HMO" does not come from human milk nor is it functionally comparable to those in human milk.
  • The available limited research evidence does not suggest that infants consuming formula milk supplemented with HMO develop immune functions similar to that of breastfed infants, as claimed commercially.

Breastmilk provides natural source of pre- and probiotics which bring clinical benefits in the prevention of infection and development of adaptive immunity.  There is insufficient scientific evidence currently to suggest such clinical benefits observed in breastmilk can be mimicked by routine addition of probiotics and/or prebiotics to artificial formula.

  • Exclusive breastfeeding for up to 6 months is the most effective allergy prevention for all infants.
  • There is no particular proven effective preventive measure for the general population other than breastfeeding.
  • For high risk infants who cannot be breastfed, the evidence for partially hydrolysed formula is weak and inconsistent, and recommendation is not very clear at the moment.
  • Partially hydrolysed formula has no role in the treatment of cow's milk allergy.

Publicity and Resources

The Department of Health has launched a series of publicity campaigns to promote public awareness in protecting and support of sustained breastfeeding.

Past World Breastfeeding Week Events

Image Gallery

Video Gallery

"Supporting Mothers' Breastfeeding Journey"
Secondary School Short Video Competition

Junior Secondary Category

Senior Secondary Category